Instrument cluster gone bad ?

Did you follow the cable to the speed sensor Paul?, Just to make sure the plug did not get disturbed when you were working on the harness. let me go see if i can kind of figure out where it goes on my standard. Also the plug in to the instrument is it a pigtail or is it wired all the way back to the ecu?
Oh and us the pc3 hooked up and have you tried it without to make sure the problem is not there? Just thinking out loud
Yes, the speed sensor is a triangle tri-plug, which I'm sure we disconnected. It's clearly shown in the McCruise installation instructions which have a tap installed at that plug to feed the cruise control computer for maintaining speed.

I work a full five days at the office and have other things going on, so this work takes second place, even as I bless every thought here that could be the key to solving this.

Keep 'em coming and I'll paste when I get some minutes to look at this.
How you run into a set of touring gauges is that where your donor motor came from?
Oh shoot...Theese were off a roadster. I needed a set for my 05 rebuild and ordered them off of ebay. I didn't know they were a different revision. I then purchased the correct set and put the roadsters back in the box.
Oh shoot...Theese were off a roadster. I needed a set for my 05 rebuild and ordered them off of ebay. I didn't know they were a different revision. I then purchased the correct set and put the roadsters back in the box.
Thats what I thought. So I figured I would bring it up si both of you were on the same page. My bet is moving things around doing the work severed his tap for the criuse control. Possibly Proving the more electronic filtercarb the more a ah**** can happen. Maybe if its is it paul should consider solder verses taps? Although i will admit I like the fact he has a tachometer on a R3T.
Just came from the bike.

Sure enough, one of the tap wires was rubbed through to bare copper -- probably against paint all this time not making a connection, and when I messed with that area following the vacuum lines, who knows ?

In any case, I wrapped the offending wire in electrical tape and put everything back on.

Waiting for the rain to pass and give it another try - probably in the morning.
Hopefully you’ve sorted it. I am not a fan of electrical tape. The glue just can’t handle the rigours of life in a vehicle. I’ve always used self vulcanising rubber tape.