Installing the 50cent Flipmeister Throttle friction Lock

My ignorance has been summarily dismissed with such fine instructions, thanks.
My little rubba washer has been on there 3 years now and it's still doing the job. It will probably outlast me. I know it's made riding the heavy throttled ***** a lot easier.

It works so well, I've even put one on my KLR (it has a heavy throttle too).
Mines been on about a year and a half or more.
Probably ought to try to find the extras just in case mine wears out in another year or two.
I'd hate to have to waste another 50 cents...
Thanks, Flip

I used two 1-1/4x3/8 neoprene rubber fender washers from the speciality fasteners drawers at Home Depot. Worked perfectly on my '08 Classic and I didn't have to adjust the control switch set at all. I have a third washer in the tank bag along with a 4mm allen wrench just in case.

It puts just enough friction on it that the throttle holds and will spring back gradually if you hit a few bumps...or as already said, a light tug on the weight end lets it snap closed instantly.

This one is just too simple and saved me a nice chunk of money...I was planning to buy a commercial solution before my upcoming trip into the Beaver's Bend Oklahoma week after need now!

Thanks, Flip!
done in 50 seconds

Thanks Flip, Been looking for something to take the strain off the throttle, can't seem to find much over here in UK but just read your article & did the job in 50 seconds (well nearly).

Just got "flipped"...

I had been thinking about buying a throttle lock for my R3, but came across the "50 cent" why not give it a try. So...last evening I went to Lowe's and spent 98 cents on two rubber washers, and proceeded to install per Flip's instructions. Entire process took less than 5 minutes....and works GREAT! The key is adjusting the friction between the controls and the handlegrip to get the right hold/release friction.
Thanks for the tip...just saved me quite a bit of money.
I love this cruze control. I removed my $40 CNC Go Cruze in favor of two 1/6 rubber washers (it only took two 1/16 washers for my touring). Just turn grip to speed you want to go and it holds it there, so easy to use. Thanks Flipmeister for the great solution for holding steady speed.