Installing An 18" Air Horn...'Cause Bigger Is Better!

After listening to someone who lives there... I'm thinking a horn upgrade might be mandatory for all my bikes when I move to Miami...

Hey Paul...Where's the picture?
Hey Paul...with the tank propped up and the little plastic frame cover removed (left), I located the wires that go to the factory horn. It's three wires in their own little harness...two are black and blue and go to the same connector, the other is purple and black. I disconnected the wires from the horn and pulled them up under the tank. The black/blue wires are 12v+ with ignition on (these don't get used) and the purple/black wire grounds through the horn switch. I made an extension wire that went from the purple/black wire to the relay provided with the air horn.

Here's how I wired the relay. #85 gets the extension from the purple/black horn switch wire. Jumper wire from #86 to #30. #30 goes to battery positive through a 30 amp fuse (also provided with the horn). #87 goes to positive side of the compressor. Negative side of compressor goes to convenient place on frame. Hasn't caught on fire yet.

Yours looks great -- many positive comments at Maggie Valley and here.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, they say, and mine will look pretty much like yours -- factory option it should've been.

Headed out to the garage now.
I was impressed with that setup, i may steal your idea
O.k., here is the imitation.

It's after mid-night, and uncouth to test the horn now. I'll wait until my wife has an appointment outside the home.

In any case, this is one variation on the theme.

In my case, I have the SH847 R/R (recommended by @DEcosse -- tastes great, less filling) with the mount designed and fabricated by @Bedifferent. As mentioned above, his mount for the R/R, seems tailor made to provide room just so for the new horn's compressor - meeting the requirements of vertical placement and short air hose run. And all fits nicely under the left side cover (California evap controls long ago removed).

The wiring is a mess, but hey, what is hidden under the seat doesn't bother me.

In the photo below, you'll notice the relay base is there -- I'm waiting for daylight to see if there is any smoke when plugging in the relay.

In sadly typical fashion, this Chinese made item is lacking, with bad translation and nearly incomprehensible instructions. The supplied wiring is 18 ga at best, and the instructions call for 12 ga (12-24 V) and 10 ga (6 V).

I am hoping the load is significantly less than the supplied 30A fuse, as I suspect that fuse will not protect the wiring. It appears @TXtriple recognized that, and used more stout wiring in his installation. I may be following suit out of necessity. We shall see.

As for the horn mount itself, I need to follow another practice of @TXtriple and use chrome paint on the forward clamp.

In all, this installation took about two hours, with half of that just uncovering - remove windshield, remove seat, remove instrument cluster, remove bearclaw, remove left side cover, work, repeat in reverse order.

Present in the bottom photo along with the horn:

- @Mittzy coolant overflow tank

- Throttle interface unit for the McCruise

- chrome oil tank from @1K9

- Triumph chrome frame rail covers

- SH847 rectifier/regulator per @DEcosse

- Thermometer oil filler cap

Thank you everyone !

That looks awesome!

I used 12ga wire for everything except the switch wire (16ga) because...well, I like overkill. And the supplied wiring looked marginal.

I used Brasso and elbow grease on the front aluminum mount instead of paint.

And you may want to replace the supplied vinyl tubing with high pressure automotive fuel hose...the vinyl gets really soft when it gets hot.

Great job!!!