Injector failure

Find a different reliable shop to check flow, pressure test, clean and verify the results. Document the results.
That was going to be my comment, find another shop, they sound like they don't want to bother, I know people here have had injectors cleaned and calibrated
Again recommending getting TuneECU and a cable for Triumphs, so you can plug in and see what's going on, and report back - especially on the 'misbehaving' injector detail.
What was the diagnostic system that was able to report fuel rate?
Curious as the Rocket doesn't have a flow or pressure sensor on the fuel system.

I have seen a poor running/misfire issue at low revs when vac tubes were not quite fully seated. Went away when driving it on, like you say.

Also wondering re it being an ignition related issue. When replacing plugs a lot of bits can be disconnected, and maybe not put back 100%. E.g. vac tubes. Or if there's a tracking related misfire or loose connection it can fire more reliably under throttle than when taking it easy.
I have seen and replied to a lot of people and so many of them just expect you to tell them what is wrong with their motorcycle with out any tests.
we are asking questions so as to get an idea of what this problem is (maybe more than one problem,)
if they do not want to put forward any effort then all we do is put out ideas out that does not mean much
good luck in finding a mechanic that can fix your problem
i am not nesseccerly talking about this poster just about a few that has posted here.
i was shocked at the rats nest of wiring under the tank when the initial break down occurred and i lifted the tank my first action was to ensure i hadnt damaged or separated any plugs or trapped any wires. i even opened each plug looking for green death on terminals and was pleasantly surprised to see all terminals clean an greased with a lithium type grease. having worked many years with renaults and buses i am not unaware that terminals come loose and some even rot but all were tight and sound. also no damage on any vac pipes even did continuity checks of wires from source to component. ..... i do appreciates all the suggestions that are forth coming because my last triumph was a old bonnie...but thats old tech now.