Inexpensive Starter Replacement

Replaced stock starter motor by 1.4 kWt chinese no-name one. It's wounderful! It must be the first thing to do after buying 2.3 Rocket!

Morning masturbation trying to start engine is over now! Maybe, living in England, you have a special servant to start you Rocket every morning, who wakes up half an hour earlier then you))) But I can't allow this to me and prefer to start it by myself. Now it takes 2 seconds when it's 6-10 degrees celcium.

Great thanks to this forum and to those wounderful people who created this topeak.

Are you familiar with the amperage rate of the stock one and the 17610 ?
Hi everybody, thank you for all suggestions in this thread. I did the complete job, solenoid repair kit and compatible starter motor (1,4 kw). I used the part with the pinion and armature in my starter motor. It was already good with only the solenoid repair kit but with the new motor is perfect.
I post below the links for the repair kit and the starter motor i used if someone can be interested.


Motorino d'avviamento Starter alko LEXUS RX ES TOYOTA PREVIA RAV 4 CAMRY | eBay
Awesome.. thanks very much
I just ordered mine...
Hey Brother, someone said to upgrade the cables to the starter also and they were available on Amazon. Is there a little more description for me to find what I need here.
Hey Brother, someone said to upgrade the cables to the starter also and they were available on Amazon. Is there a little more description for me to find what I need here.
We actually had a member in the land down under make several sets for us a few months ago. Prior to that, I simply order a second negative cable from the Triumph dealer and installed it; thus I had two negative cables which did indeed help with cold morning starts.
Have had the click click for four years. Slow cranking on cold mornings and battery going dead after a minute of cranking. Even with a new battery.
Battery died last Sunday. How I got home I don't know how. Sounding like "Five O'Clock Charlie" from MASH.

1st. The starter for 1999 Toyota Salora will work. BUT, the solenoid plunger rod has to be cut. About a 1 1/4 inch or so. And reuse oem spring due to size. Also the solenoid wire plug needs to be pulled out and rotated. I was able to rotate it about 70 deg. It it facing towards the front but not all the way. Be careful not to break the wire inside solenoid. Other then that it bolted right up to the old nose of the old starter. I also installed a new AGM battery from O'reilly's. Made new battery cables using 4 ga. cables. Motor has never in the 12 years that I have owned turned over this fast. Almost like two cylinders are missing the plugs. Fired right up. Should have done this years ago.