I am browsing classifieds as we speak. I didn't know about the Facebook page, thank you for the heads up. Doesn't have to be local, I can ride it back or use a shipping company depending on distance.
I am browsing classifieds as we speak. I didn't know about the Facebook page, thank you for the heads up. Doesn't have to be local, I can ride it back or use a shipping company depending on distance.
Yep, intake, exhaust and tune is what I was hoping to find. I have a bike, it's just not reliable for road trips. 320HP on a bike is a blast for short trips though.
As requested, she's a 2000 hayabusa. RCC stage 2 turbo. Secondary injectors are controlled through a micro tech box. 7# spring or 14# boost through the boost controller. Water injection, 320 on pump gas.