Immobilizer and key out of range

Sorry, have no clue regarding the new OEM Keyless system - have never even seen one yet
But fundamentally there is poor signal between the fob and the detector - you would imagine the fob to be more likely culprit especially if the spare worked and the other does not.
If new battery doesn't improve things, request a replacement fob (maybe do that anyway!) - I would expect the dealer has to pair these(?)
As soon as the dealers open again it will be logged, I assumed interference of some form...thanks.
This a very similar symptom to one on the 790 KTM family. The fob on the KTM is passive - it is embedded into the key. But they fail if the RFID sensor which is up under the tank gets too hot. So far I have had no issues - but it's fairly well documented.
I have have the exact same problem with FOB detection. Replacing the battery didn't help. Someone told me to put the FOB in my left pocket (which is closer to the detector on the bike) which helped it somewhat, but the issue still happens from time to time. Seems like a design problem to me - perhaps there will be a firmware update or retrofit from Triumph to help with this. It's a minor annoyance to me, but it can be somewhat expected with a brand new model like this.
Agreed, it’s irritating but the bike itself makes up for the minor quirks.
I always have the key in the right pocket with my garage fob. Doubt it has anything to do with it.
I think ****ty fobs or low frequency to detect it.
I figured the fob idea would be a bad one as soon as I saw it on my test ride. I bet it will only be a few of you that have issues though. Then again, it has only just begun...
I wondered how long it would be before this thread appeared.
I think some of the KTM 1290 guys have narrowed it down to RF interference, especially at some of the busier gas stations/stop-n-robs.
I only had this Problem on the first ride home - and in this case it was explained by the special bag inside the jacket where I put the key. It's somehow shielded… whatever...

After this only one time a similar Problem showed its existence while driving through a tunnel - when entering the tunnel the Display showed a "no Connection", but this went off after leaving the tunnel. While this also happens when driving though this tunnel with my X-ADV (also equipped with "keyless go") I do not really care...