I think I'm going to give away my Harbor Freight tire rig - it's barely enough to work a bicycle tire, and way too much trouble. I got it when I had my ST1300, and was fortunate enough to have enough ST1300s to have a "Mechanic's on Site" day at my house. One guy -- similar to
@warp9.9 in experience and helpfulness, showed with his bike, and my tools, and about fifteen other bikes showed up with this, that, and the other thing.
I wanted to have my tires replaced -- had the Harbor Freight rig out, and he looked at it, knocked around a bit, and said, "Forget that. This is how we're going to do it." Just like some of the videos on YouTube, it was on the garage floor - had a long bar that was made by one of the members on the site - interesting design - had a Delrin roller on one end, and rather than scrape a spoon around and have to fiddle with rim protectors, that end of the bar just rolled the bead off or on.
Either way, I was a spectator, with no where near the strength necessary to move the bar appreciably, much less get it started.