I'm worried about engine failure

Welcome to the hostess with the mostess, Forum. Speaking from experience, the lower sprocket doesn't suddenly blow up. If it's going to show up you will hear it over the course of thousands of miles. There's no mistaking the "paint can rattle". Now there is one HotDog rider we've heard from, that let it go too long and the results were catastrophic, but still under warranty. Sometime in that period I'll wager you've a long trip to Bermuda or perhaps Cozumel scheduled. Drop the beast off for the overhaul and then go lay on the beach for two weeks. Don't fret it. Besides, towing is only an additional $1 on the policy:D
Come join the Captain's corner, Captain. You fly what? And you write what? Do join in, we need another word-smithing champion. Flipper's past his prime.
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R3 Dependability

Rode my 2006 R3 Classic 11,300 miles in eight months before being totalled by a 93 Lincoln. I survived but, I think, on a lesser bike I would have been down for the big dirt nap. I rode from Vero Beach, FL to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, cross the Makinac Bridge, over the top of Lake Mich down to Wisconsin, across to Iowa and then out to Sturges, South Dakota. My longest day of riding was 12 hrs and 680 miles, I'm an old guy so I had to make the P-Breaks and fuel the beast. No problems with the bike - zero, nada; however, the driver, me, did forget to turn the key off and the battery ran down. A quick charge and I was on my way. Triumph, for me, is very dependable. I'm 61 yrs old, weight over three hundred pounds and at 6'1" I needed a bike that "fit" me. I would not be afraid to ride to California tomorrow, weather permitting, with my R3. We be joined at the hip now. :)
Bought my '07 in South Mississippi and rode it back to Northeast Oklahoma.
Mine did have that little output shaft bearing problem after a couple thousand miles.
Other than missing some fine rideing weather last summer waittin' for parts,
(from some little obscure island somewhere) No problems, no complaints.
I've owned both, shirleys, and trumpets. I'll take my r3 anyday. No comparison..
my 2 cents,
To GOD be all the glory,
Just want to jump in and let you know that Kate is an '05 with 12k and no issues so far. No mods yet although I am asking for a CAT By-pass for my birthday :D Let's see how much the wife love me :confused:
Appreciate the insights

I can't tell you how much I appreciate these personal tales. I'm pretty much intoxicated by my test ride on the Rocket. Logically, a Rocket seems to also be the best value for the money. My first reaction about the way the engine was designed is that it should be capable of very high miles. Then I did hear some stories about rebuilds being required because of timing chain failure and damage, and that set off my own personal red warning light.
Then I lucked into this site and have spent many hours reading every post.
So I feel very fortunate to hear personal stories of high miles, and a lot of enjoyment in the process. I'd love to hear more, especially long trips and odometers with high miles, and how the engine has worked in the process.
I've had lots of nightmares with breakdowns over the years. The worst was the '75 Trident, even though I loved riding that bike until it finally froze up at 28,000 (all the oil finally leaked out faster than I could put it in). The only reason I was thinking H-D was because at least it can be fixed anywhere it might break down.
Thank you for welcoming me and your personal stories. This is a great fraternity and I am very impressed by the integrity, knowledge, honesty and overall helpfulness.
I can not speak for or against the long term reliability of the Rocket III engine as mine only has 37,000 miles on it.

But, consider this. How many people do you think come to a forum like this to say how well things have been going with their bike? How many come to a forum like this when things go wrong. I think you will find that VERY few people post here simply to say "everything's fine".

The reality is that on any forum you will find many "problems" with particular bikes but when you consider all bikes of that model sold they are actually a very small percentage.
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But, consider this. How many people do you think come to a forum like this to say how well things have been going with their bike? How many come to a forum like this when things go wrong. I think you will find that VERY few people post here simply to say "everything's fine".

"Everythings fine":D