I'll be in your town Wed at the dealer 2 years and not lost I was exploring :rolleyes: I'm always exploring

If you are going to the Indian dealer you do know they are no longer a Triumph shop and Tom Wood bought Dan out.
I have not had a need for any service so have not been in there in awhile.

My office is across the street from them, but I will be in Logansport at the Chamber Golf Outing Wednesday.

We will have to meet up soon.
HAHA they let me back in. Man I've missed you guys and for those that don't know me your lucky

Mucho welcome back tp ya, Amigo.
Sure hope your noggin is doing better from that vicious crash at Lupe's in OK.
have known you for 6 years here on the forum, and was looking forward to doing a face-to-face with you at Stearns.

I see that you now list a Sling for your current ride.
Come west in July for our RAA West event!
We'll have another Sling with us!