G'day and WB. If you are looking at an 06 then ask if it had the update kit put in. It may not ever need it, but then again. . . The main symptom of it needing the kit is that it jumps out of 2nd gear at WOT. Sometimes the problem doesn't surface for as much as 20,000 miles. Problems were sorted by 2008(ish) so a 2009 model, or later, should be solid.
Hello All,
I've been gone from the forum for a while... I sold my R3T to a buddy of mine in Mexico, and regretted ever since. I got a older Trophy, and freakin' hated it, then got a VRod, and liked ok, but didn't LOVE it. I just sold it tonight, and have been scouring CycleTrader for the past few days making inquiries. I am looking at a really nice '07 Classic with 11k miles, anyone having issues with theirs I should know about?
Thanks, and it's good to be back!
Welcome from Long Beach! Where about in SoCal are you?

If you're buying from out of state and it's not CA smog certified, be sure that it has more than 7,500 miles at the time of purchase, otherwise the CA DMV will consider it a "new" bike, regardless of age, and won't register it unless it's CA smog certified.

Triumph made some significant changes to the Roadster in 2010, including a bump in power, adding ABS, and revised seating position, but nothing (except ABS) that can't be matched with a little time, money, and ingenuity. There are a few standard problems with older Rockets, like the throttle position sensor, headlight relay, and clutch detent spring, but nothing major that hasn't been fully addressed on this site that should prevent you from picking up that bike.

Black and red are the fastest colors.
welcome back
when i got mine i did the headlight mod so that it don't burn out the ignition switch.
i knocked out a fork seal when slamming the front brakes. i have over 30000 miles.
it is hard on rear tires.
Welcome back. I'd look for an 09 or newer unless you can verify the update kit is installed or you get it for wicked cheap and don't mind spending a couple grand later if it ever needs it.