If you have modified exhaust...


Get busy living or get busy dying.
Aug 26, 2018
Saint Joseph, MO
2018 rocket3 roadster
Is your oxygen sensor connected? or removed? Do you have it shut off in tune ecu? use an o2 sensor eliminator? Just a general poll of members with modified exhaust. What they use, what works for them and why.
Sensor still on the pipe. O2 eliminator on the connector. O2 sensor turned on. Don't know why it works but it sounds good. I have stock headers, CAT Box eliminator and TORs pipes and cigar tips on a 2007 Classic Tri-piper.
If you use a custom tune whether you downloaded it or made it yourself, you should probably turn the O2 sensor off....otherwise your custom maps will eventually be overwritten by the 02 sensors data...if the ECU is getting o2 data it will write maps that go with its basic programming....rideable but as green as the technology it possesses. If your custom tune is working for you, you don't want it changed by the o2 sensor...and if the o2 sensor is switched off in ecu it will default to your custom maps.

Also the previous poster has a point...you can use a sensor eliminator and leave 02 turned on...in that case the ecu gets a dummy signal that everything is fine and it will use your custom map as written, confident that it is perfect as is.
Its a narrow band sensor only reading the areas in the map that 14.57 you can also change the cells so there is nothing for it to monitor. Mines turned off in the tune unplugged and removed. And my crank case gasses are routed to there. Most of the custom tunes I've seen have had the sensor off. Bet a lot use the maps without even checking.
Its a narrow band sensor only reading the areas in the map that 14.57 you can also change the cells so there is nothing for it to monitor. Mines turned off in the tune unplugged and removed. And my crank case gasses are routed to there. Most of the custom tunes I've seen have had the sensor off. Bet a lot use the maps without even checking.

Scott; you are going to have to re-tune my two-tone in MV.
I have mine removed and the hole plugged. I have PCV and dyno tune. The Tune via the PCV dosnt need the 02 sensor.
I like Warp's idea of routing the crankcase breather thru that hole where the sensor was...the exhaust gases going past will create a suck pulling fumes out of the crankcase as it goes...nice!.