idle stall and warm up?

How long do you let your bike warm up in the morning before riding?

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I also had a stalling issue when brand new, dealer magic took care of that.

Never had high idle even when very cold out. Three years later I have high idle upon start up when cold! Fixed itself!!
It’s your idle control Motor. Dealer should be able to reset it
If you look at the mechanism, you'll see that there is some linkage between the butterflies and the yellow screw. I think it wears some, and throws off the factory base idle setting.
Old thread, but where exactly is the DNT yellow screw? You have described my issue perfectly
Old thread, but where exactly is the DNT yellow screw? You have described my issue perfectly
You have to remove the bearclaw. At the front of the fuel injectors you'll see where the throttle cables hook in. There is a little plastic cover there held on with two bolts. Take that off and you will be able to see the yellow painted idle hard stop. It's a small Allen head screw with a jam but.
You legend. Thanks for answering my thread necromancy