idle stall and warm up?

How long do you let your bike warm up in the morning before riding?

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I always let my engines run for 2-3 minutes (maybe slightly more sometimes) to get the oil flowing and to get an even idle and to help prevent stalling due to a cold engine. Car or bike, always the same. I was told years ago this was the way to go. Had no problems yet.
You won't get a very good cold idle if the TPS is out of be lucky if you get a steady idle! But ISCV adjust and reset will put things right.
It's a task to first adjust the TPS and the Idle stepper to optimal values, (which is how the proper idle speeds are obtained) Then ISCV reset makes the ECU discard any previously learned settings, whereupon you do the 12 minute tune, in which it picks new base settings that are in accord with the adjustments you made. This can be done with TUneECU app and the proper access cable. You can always do a 12 minute tune without adjusting anything if you feel everything is to spec. Also the bike is forever tweaking it's settings based on wear and tear, so if you do have proper settings to start with, the bike will continue to run well as wear occurs. Of course the TPS and/or the stepper could eventually wear out, but that's a long ways off.

Thanks for the explanation, very informative. My bike seems to run and idle ok at the moment so I will leave it alone.
I have a 2015 Roadster that I bought new in May of 2016. It now has a little under 6000 miles on it and it still stalls on me a few times a week. Definitely worse when it has yet to warm up. I’ve adjusted the tps to perfect settings and got the throttle bodies to within 10 of each other. I’ve done the 12 minute tune a few times. Nothing seems to help. I’ve just accepted the fact that it’s going to happen.
I found that any engine can stall cold if the throttle bodies ice up. But this requires very specific weather conditions, high humidities and coolish air. Doesn't have to be freezing though, they can still ice up until the engine warms. Some engines have throttle body heaters to prevent this.

The times you stop and it doesn't stall does it idle real low (like 4 or 5 hundred rpm's) and then recover to normal idle speed ? Mine did that long ago and I ended up raising the base idle speed with the painted yellow "never touch this" screw. Haven't had the problem since.
Rocket Scientist, my newest to me 2005 is doing that. I checked all the vacuum lines, caps, etc. but have been scratching my head as to a cause. The stepper motor does not move at all, when the rpm drops, and then returns to the set idle. Very strange.
Stepper probably should be cleaned. At that age it could be grimy and that WILL prevent proper movement.