hello all,
As we have next to none options for engine guard/crash sliders/crash bar, I am wondering if we can brain storm on crash sliders and I will spend some time fabricating it to see how it goes, I am thinking to install these on rocket but not sure where to put them.
Under the tank where the vertical frame goes just above the radiator, there is a hole in the frame hidden by a plastic plug. I was thinking of putting on there a threaded rivet nut. Also, a same hole near the bottom of the engine, similarly hidden by a plug. I was thinking a good place for a crash bar. Just don't know how well the threaded rivet nuts will hold in a crash. At least these holes are on the right side. Didn't look on the left as yet.
I see that there is a rugged guard on 3R right before gear shift lever, Also my friend from Australia who dropped his rocket on both sides yes, one time he dropped left side and other time on left side told me about what points the bike would touch ground first, I marked them in red, and the greens are the ones which will take secondary damage so if there are protector at shaft and before gear shift lever, the tank can be saved as well as green area below seat along with tank will be above ground
great idea - however no threaded rivet is going to withstand impact considering you’re dealing with 300kg+ beast.
adding more width on the handlebars is also not something I would recommend by adding sliders/bobbins.