I want to buy T BARS for my 2007 R3


Standard Bore
Sep 24, 2010
I'm searching for a chrome set of T Bars for my 2007 R3. Easy install, no cable changes needed.

I am in Italy.

Thank you!
Lots of forum members have bought these and I still have a set on my 2010 Roadster that came with it and love them. No extra risers needed.

Here is a thread from a happy user.

Plenty of photos on site
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Otherwise on Face Book Triumph Rocket III and Triumph FB groups a bloke in UK has them made up and makes batches periodically and has sold about 500+ sets worldwide. Great prices too.
He used to offer chromed in some big group buys here on the forum and posted them out worldwide to a LOT of very satisfied customers here on the forum and has sold at least twice that on or through FB groups.
BUT now JUST plain steel and you get them painted or chromed yourself.
He was an active member here for years too. @Chandlerman or similar and his trade was originally making brass chandeliers etc.
i can confirm this, i got a set direct from the supplier in the UK its a small engineering firm, ive since forgotton the name but quick look up on FB and you should find him, guy is called alan.

also sure i seen a guy recently selling a chrome set on the FB groups.