I said I would never do it, but...........

We checked. 34psi. Said he keeps it at 32-34 all the time.
Got another one?
Front tyre was shot too - after 3,500km.
He also said the bike handled like a pig.
Maybe he holds his head the wrong way. :roll::roll:
@CanberraR3 he is just someone who does not like riding pigs :D

There is nothing wrong with him, he just had to stick his finger in his eye before he realized it would hurt :)

Not bad as some people have to do it more then once before they figure it out!!!! :)

Good evidence, Richard.
I shall be interested in the responses.
However, one tire does NOT proof make.
I would like to see others that appear to wear the same. :thumbsup:
I had a BrakeAway throttle lock that was mounted on one of my old VTX 1800s when I purchased the bike. Tried it two or three times and determined very quickly that it was a worthless and, yes, very dangerous, $180 POS and never, ever used it again.:thumbsdown:

The clip-on Throttle Rocker/Crampbuster is OK for folks with nerve or muscle problems in their right hands or as a cheap and easy way to rest your left hand, but I'm a big believer of always having your hands on or at the grips/controls and at the ready 100% of the time, so I wouldn't bother with them either.
Im confused mate, are you saying the throttle hand in the States is on the left bar ?
Good evidence, Richard.
I shall be interested in the responses.
However, one tire does NOT proof make.
I would like to see others that appear to wear the same. :thumbsup:
ask PHIL if he has a picture of his I saw that one I threw mine in the trash at the cycle dealers
We've all seen bald tyres, but that one is most definitely not a tyre that has worn out. It's just so clearly and completely the wrong piece of equipment to fit to a motorcycle. The evangelists can cry all they want (get some tissues @STRIPES :banghead:) but this is irrefutable, un-doctored, objective, real life evidence. Yes, it is one tyre but not the only one I've seen like it; just the only picture I've taken……so far. ;):D