I really need help, kind of an emergency

Another happy ending without the assistance of a female! :eek: :rolleyes: :p :roll:
Have you been out with the boys again?
Finally got word back from the dealer, and you all are gonna love this.

Not the ignition switch.

At some point, someone had all the fuses out of the fuse box, and put them back in wrong, looking at the fusebox lid the wrong way.

Mechanic put the right fuses in the right place, and it's fine.

Go figure!

Well go figure I did that earlier this year was about to head away for a few days family in the car me on the Rocket popped a fuse and had the Fuse cover the wrong way and putting a 5 amp in the 30 amp for some reason kept on popping.

So did the trip away in 4wd only a 100 miles was back home the next day with an Auto electric guy sorting my mistake out an @DEcosse I think pointing out in a picture I uploaded my mistake :banghead::banghead: