Tom the tow guy (D.C. Scooter Transport) is the best. That's who you want if you need a tow in the area. He'll tell you he hates having to tow Rockets because they're heavy, and he'll need another person to help get it on the trailer, but his rates are so reasonable, and he's just plain top notch in every way.
Horn, signals, brake light - all still work. Just the headlight and "make the engine turn on" parts are out. I guess that means it's most definitely ignition switch. My plan is to get my hands on a keyless, pay the dealer for diag time, put the keyless in and ride away, in like six weeks when I can get out there again with the keyless in hand.
I really appreciate all your help and interest, thank you.
Sorry for delayed response - been having trouble accessing this website
Yes, most likely is indeed your key-switch that is the problem - it's too bad I couldn't have got with you earlier, we can have confirmed the diagnosis with some few simple tests.
But you shouldn't have to spend much in diag time, especially if you already suggest you just need confirmation is the switch - it would be a nerve to even charge an hour for that!!!
Yeah I told them this morning that I highly suspected the switch, the guy took notes, I explained my plan. I'm more than happy to pay a little diag time to them for "verify that my conclusion is correct."
It'll get sorted out, and the bike will be better off for it.
Glad you got home, though the Rocket is being held for ransom to force you to visit again and ride with the Rocketeers here in VA
MOD is a great shop. Haven’t needed to use their service dept, but bought lots of gear and parts from them. Even took one of their R3T’s out for a couple of test rides when contemplating purchasing it. Super helpful and friendly group.
Wiggle your ignition and turn the key, try a few times if start could be a loose wire in ignition, that’s what mine was, fixed it’s a few times then end up buying new ignition.