I really need help, kind of an emergency

I have had this problem and it turned to be the spade connector on the 30 amp fuse in the fuse box not securely held in the fuse box. I found it by wriggling the wires under the fuse box and noticed the power coming and going.
Sometimes I wonder why we love these machines so much, they just get under your skin.
Nothing to do with the side-stand could do that, so just coincidence.

Check the battery negative interconnect to the main harness off the main negative cable about 6" away from the battery - this is a high failure point; look to see if the connector is burned up.
If so then cut the connector off and splice the wires with a butt splice or similar (even a wire-nut will do for an emergency repair)

There is also similar interconnect on the Positive cable

Otherwise I would concur with the others regarding the main fuse.
Its a 07 classic tourer probably has a silver engine. Of course pop the seat up and check the main fuse. But while the seat is up lifter the tank and see if it has the updated ignition plug changed in the harness easy to figure out just look and see if it has been cut and the new one added. If so unplug it and look for a burnt spade connector. Not complaining about the dealer surely they won't mind if you pay them to do it. Narrow it down there might be a quick fix but not if your waiting in a dealer it will be a slow raping !!
I have the tow arranged for tomorrow, but MoD can't even look at it until July 18. Here's hoping they don't try and pull some storage fee crap.

If they tell me it's the ignition switch, I think I'm just going to come back with a keyless and put that in, pay for diag, tyvm.
They have plenty of room at their place -- why they moved way out there.

I suspect, their only Triumph mechanic is on vacation, hence the wait.

Only known them to be fairly straightforward . . . just can't speak to their knowledge compared to the collective here.

When you talk to them, it might help to say, "I talked to a bunch of guys on the forum -- they recommended you, and are there to help if you need it: r3owners.net."

Just two cents. Please keep us updated.

I have never paid a storage fee at MOD and have left my bike there for a week before they could work on it when my clutch failed me. Rean is their main R3 guy and has done lots of good work on my bike. I know they are booked with all maintenance and not enough techs to cover it all. One of the prices they pay for being so successful at sales in an area where most people prefer to pay to have work done than to do it themselves; or in my case, not technically trained enough.

Good luck
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