I quit my job yesterday

I agree with your reasoning totally. How are the scans turning out? Hope you can afford to RAA it.

I too agree and identify with all those here who've "trained their bosses". I did the same for 20 years cuz of having only 2 years formal education. That is what gave me incentive to finish up and then some more after I took an "early out" package. The extra book learnin' didn't help me get another job but it felt good to be able to feel superior to all the past "managers" I had trained.

Scans have been coming out well. They keep finding little spots in my lungs. Even sent me to the Cancer Center in Ann Arbor for a consult. Best they can figure it's probably scarring from the bleomyicin chemo drug. They tell me it's nothing to worry about, so I don't :)
Good for you Fred! Nothing worse than haveing an ******* for a boss. You spend a major part of your life at work and if the enjoyment has left, it is time for a change.

Sounds to me like the company has a short life left. No doubt the parent company is running it into the ground.
Jumped off the corporate wagon three years ago...two regrets; one - that I didn't do it sooner, and two - my business is growing too fast and I have to keep putting the brakes on. It's either that or spend all my time working and THAT AIN'T HAPPENING!! I love my life now...all the corporate grind gave me a great network of people to rely on, a great education in the industry, and a total disdain for all things corporate. Opportunities abound for anyone with the inclination to go out and grab them. Good for you Fred...glad you decided to move to better opportunities.
What exactly is your business now, Tex, other than givin' people here the bidness from time to time?;):cool:
moneys nice but you gotta do what you like or all the money aint worth youre piece of mind Michigan winters you will like that shorter drive im sure