I quit my job yesterday

Fred, I'm glad your are in a better work place and hope that your cancer business is resolved quickly!
It's all been said by the others mate, good luck with yer new job----& the future....

Never look back..or go back in life.
What exactly is your business now, Tex, other than givin' people here the bidness from time to time?

Oil & Gas mainly, but I have more than one...a consulting biz, an O&G products and services biz, a software development biz, and a motorcycle biz. Currently looking at another one...buying a sailboat a chartering it out of Key West...would give me an excuse to winter there
Brilliant!!! I love entrepreneurs and have the utmost respect and admiration for entrepreneurism, but due to my vocational background, that is by necessity or I'd be experienced in the practice of self-loathing.
Way to go Fred I am sure it will help your health in the long run, I have worked for a prick off a boss for the last 20years at times I feel like kicking the sh*t out off him.
By the way I have been self employed for the last 20years.

Hey, I work for that guy as well!
The slave driving louche works me too many hours as well.

Stick it to the Man!! World needs more people like you Fred. Glad you're happy dude
my ex-boss just called to tell me he was having his attorney hit me with a law suit for violation of a no compete clause I signed when I went to work for him. I said, Bring It On Big Boy. He said he was going to see that he makes me as miserable as possible. Lawdy I am quaking in my boots. The operation will have to remain shut down for some time however and y'all will have to get squeezins from somewhere else because he is a nasty little rich ***** and Iwould not put it past him to do other nasty deeds. Range war on the horizon for me. Spoiled child. Grow up, go away.