I like to tell this story whenever I 'm with a bunch of Hardly riders.


Jul 24, 2012
close to winnipeg,canada
2008 tour
Most of us have probably heard the story of a green coloured motorcycle being unlucky. Most myths usually have a little truth to them. This story not being the exception. Now lets imagine 50 years ago and the gathering of motorcyclists at the local fair grounds. Hot, sunny, and probably windy with the dust blowing around. Sweating, because your wearing your leathers. The riders on their V-twins, old 45's, sportsters and maybe some of the big 72" big bikes, probably some Indians in the race also.
Then comes along one of those Triumphs in racing green. well the rest of the pack knew it was their unlucky day.
Thats my story and I'm sticking to it
I really don't care what a person rides, if all you got is a moped,it's still fun
A couple of old timers told me it comes from the military bikes being green, and riders being shot off, or blown up.
I remember as kids there was a pond we would sneak over to and fish. The old man that owned the property would sometimes catch us back there and shoot at us. It wasn't until many years later walking through there hunting, I realized exactly how close the old man was getting to us before shooting. If he really wanted to, we would have been shot. Thank God for warning shots. lol
I've been considering replacing the red stripe on mine with a British racing green one once it's time to repaint. The tank is taking a fair bit of damage from rubbing up against it (not merely in a lewd way. Ok, maybe a little.) I do love the red/black scheme though... would have to be something completely new, like green and white perhaps. Time will tell.