I know this (SEAT QUESTION) has been asked before......

My nephew rides on my touring comfortably....I suspect as he is getting near tall as me...that anyone else of female persuasion should like it as well. I do have a Corbin seat and that could well make a difference.

Exactly why I like the fly screens, at high speed when your tucked they make enough of a bubble to not feel the air drag but don’t upset things.

It still surprises me every time I tuck and wrap the speedo round how still everything is.
My wife found the R3R comfortable enough as pillion her second time on it to forget to hold on. Nearly got flipped off the back, saved only by the sissie bar, when I had to emergency throttle up in 2nd to avoid a car trulying to ruin our day.

She kept one hand on me after that...

To provide context, she won’t get on a roller coaster or anything that induces adrenaline dumps and she has very little saddle time, so it shocked me she was so comfy back there.
On my Roadster I decided this time no b*tch seat for anyone and that even includes the wife unit! Even went as far as to remove the rear pegs and capped them with some Union Jack thingy. Replaced the stock seat with a Corbin Fastgun Solo. I just got tired of when I took someone how it changed the whole riding dynamic. Each to his own I guess.
Buy your bride her own bike that way you do not have to mutilate your one
I did that. Bought her a 2014 Ninja 650. Perfect starter bike, upright seating position blah blah blah. She put about 2000 miles on it and it sat collecting dust. She would rather ride with me. I have no idea why but that's the story.
So I guess I wasn't exactly clear with my question. And for some reason someone changed the title to the post. I am looking for a great all day long touring style seat for a 2011 Roadster. i am not looking to turn my Roadster into a touring bike. I just need a seat that will make my lovely bride that is determined to ride on my bike more comfortable. I continue looking at touring bikes for this reason. However I am in no way looking to sell or change my Roadster into a touring bike. I have come to love this bike too much to butcher it. I love it the way it is. I can run it hard into the twisties, I can drag race with it. I can burn down the interstate with ease.

I was just looking for some real good advice and feedback from anyone that has done what I am looking to do. I did look at the Russell Day Long seats but they do not show one for the Roadster. Also Mustang does not list a tour seat for a Roadster. I do see the Corbin Dual Tour listed. And WyldCFH had a positive comment on that seat. I see that Claviger mentions the Day Long and I believe he has a 2016 Roadster? Perhaps I will reach out to him for his review.

Thanks for your input,

I am not looking to build a couch or a touring bike out of my Roadster, I am just looking for a comfortable seat for the passenger. Tell me about your Russel Day Long. I do not see the Roadster listed on their website. Did you call Russel when you ordered the seat? I have heard very good things about their seats. They are ugly as hell but if I only have it on while the bride is on board I really dont care what it looks like. I ride solo with a Corbin GunSlinger and I like that seat. The factory Roadster seat is is fine for me but the pillion pad is awful and actually has a slight rake forward. So when it comes to hard stops my wife will slide forward. The factory seat just sucks and she is only good on the bike for an hour or so. That becomes an issue on a Saturday and we are out with friends, you know what I mean?

Now you have me scratching my head.
If you would please, have someone measure your seated eye height from the pavement up to center eyes.
What is this dim?