I know I'm a sign nut.

They were probably in a state of disbelief or shock, Steve.;)

Listen, I'm not really a Philly fan - they are simply my fallback if or when my favored, mostly NY-based teams are not in the hunt. But the reality is that probably half of all cities that have won championships of one sort or another have an extreme minority of fans that get cockeyed and destroy property when they are "celebrating" - Philly certainly is not in a special category in that respect.

My brother, an ardent Eagles and Phillies fan, attended the championship parade the following Thursday with his wife, daughter and several cousins(the official celebration) and it went off without any issues from the "pukes". In fact he said that it was one of the best days of his life.

You gotta' learn to loosen that sphincter of yours a bit - you'll live longer!:p

I'll NOT loosen anything, especially not my sphincter! :eek:
My years of experience, and likely of football, are senior to yours.
The Philly football fans have A-L-W-A-Y-S been pukes with attitudes.
Their post Superbowl behavior was reminiscent of the behavior of those black lives pukes in Ferguson, MO.
Why must you rationalize their illegal behavior by criticizing my sphincter? :p :roll:
HMMMMMMMMM . . perhaps a Joizy thing???
I'll NOT loosen anything, especially not my sphincter! :eek:...

... HMMMMMMMMM . . perhaps a Joizy thing???

Yo, slow your roll, Daddio. I neither attempted to justify, nor rationalize the acts of any hooligans or miscreants anywhere, let alone in Philly the night of and day after their victory, so kindly do not ascribe such words or thoughts to yours truly!o_O

Perhaps, since we are the most densely populated state in these Yoonited States of Amerika, many New Jerseyans are, by necessity, cognoscenti with respect to *******s, anuses and, yes, sphincters, because we have more of 'em per square mile than most other states. We have to have our radar gain turned high to recognize and deal with such sorts. Mind you, there's more than a few of that type that live in your own backyard, too. *******s, *******s everywhere, so beware and be prepared to mange them where and whenever they may be encountered.;)

Yeah, you are so-much more experienced than me (older in mind and spirit) you undoubtedly will not deviate from your well-worn ways and means. That's not a regional malaise - just aglobal one that's common to those who are entrenched or entrapped in or by their own perspectives and/or demeanors.

So, I'll end this nonsense by crying "Uncle", coz' you, sir, are incorrigible!:rolleyes::laugh: