I know I'm a sign nut.

Not sure who needs to see this but...
I looked "stick" up, it says slang for an AK-47. That doesn't make sense... learn me up Steve.

The reference was from my days working the Vice Squad.
First, as you may know a "trick" is a man picked up by a prostitute.
We used females posing as prostitutes to bust "Johns" and males posing as customers to bust the prostitutes.
Seldom, were these coppers because most eschewed this type of work. Back in my day the female cops were not prevalent and very few were able or willing to do this, so we hired women that had the ability and moxie to be "Sticks".
Always the square peg in a round hole, I did quite a bit of this work as a male "Stick" because it was great fun and generated many stories for our choir practices.
@1olbull I am enlightened Steve, thank you. And now, I want to know more of those stories but the Mods may not allow such details to be enumerated here. Especially if they made the choir. Oh the songs we sailors would sing: Three old maids from Canada, The hairs of her dickydyno...
@1olbull I am enlightened Steve, thank you. And now, I want to know more of those stories but the Mods may not allow such details to be enumerated here. Especially if they made the choir. Oh the songs we sailors would sing: Three old maids from Canada, The hairs of her dickydyno...

Izzat then a "Richard Tune"? :eek: :cautious: :roll: