Hi all
Had the pleasure of my clutch packing up, nothing at the lever ,managed to get a friend with a car trailer to get me home Mine has the TTS hydraulic conversion and this is what i found on dismantling ,O rings shot and damage marks on the Oberon slave ,
Phoned Oberon ordered a new unit that comes with silicon 70 o rings ,the dome on the the TTS part does not match the Oberon part to well so will modify or get a Buell part.
Read thro some old posts and not so old ones and i should have seen this coming
This fault has been figured out alright and Oberon informed years ago so I hope they've heeded by now.
The o rings need to be DOT 4 compatible rubber like EPDM.
Links to a source in the threads below.
Oberon used to supply the slave with Viton rings and they fail.
So I'm pootling along in 5th and coming up to a roundabout, go to change gear and find my clutch lever is limp. So i had to take that roundabout in 5th gear :eek: Worked the throttle then to get the tranny to that nice unburdened point in between being pushed by the motor and being dragged by...
Having clutch problems with a leaking slave cylinder. Looks to me like a O ring has failed. I know most of us with the Oberon Buell 1125 slave cylinder used on TTS supercharger kits have had a few problems. The latest problem for me was i noticed a lost of clutch fluid. On further investigation...
Re the dome or bullnose nut, the TTS one does indeed have trouble seating into the slave cylinder ok, I ordered the Buell one and it fits perfect (the slave is made for a Buell) but the bore and thread are a size down from the TTS pullrod so you can't use it without modifying either the pullrod or the bullnose nut.