Hydraulic clutch release went pop

Ah nuts...
So which bit failed on you?
Arto - Spoken with Oberon?

Yes Chris, I asked what the o-rings were made from, they told me Viton75.

I referred to online sources that say Viton is not suitable for DOT 3/4 brake fluid (e.g. Rubber Chemical Resistance Chart, Rubber Compatibility Chart - Mykin Inc), and suggested that this might be why my Viton rings deteriorated to the point of bursting.
They said they haven't had the issue before.

TTS, the supplier of the slave cylinder, also said they hadn't seen it before, but kindly volunteered to send me EPDM orings for free.
EPDM being standard rubber for brake fluid contact.

Do you know someone in Oberon?
Do you know someone in Oberon?
I know one the guys who works there or used to, Called Don - He's a gentleman of advanced years. Lives right opposite the entrance to the Pompey Ferry terminal. I know him from the UK Buell group of which I was an early member. I know many of the Buell owners who were in the test group too. I've sort of lost touch the last couple of years - But I can see if anybody has more info. But I know that if a couple of them had had issues - they'd have been verbal (Think imfastoo verbal).

If you replace all the seals and clean the lines - I can't see why Silicone Dot5 won't work. I've run on Dot5 for years - I think I switched the Guzzi over in 1985ish.
Not sure yet, haven't pulled it apart....been sidetracked with Christmas hols....will come back....

Pulled apart the slave cylinder....seals deteriorated....seems the TTS supplied Buell cylinder is not suited to DOT 4....will replace seals and move to DOT 5 or Hydraulic fluid....(as per previous comments in this thread)
i think that if the seals/orings r made out of junk rubber even atf will take them out.
u could always do a test and soak them for a weak in atf,ect, and see how they look/feel and then use atf or whatever.
most of the master/slave i have seen (not very many) used atf. personaly i would try a full synthetic atf
I am now a few years further on the road with the 'Oberon' slave cylinder and its EPDM O-rings and today bad Oberon times got back again. Suddenly lever pressure was gone and I got stuck in 2nd gear. At this stressfull moment I was luckily a street away from a fellow biker I know well and after a few 'hairpin' turns in second gear (don't try this for fun) I was able to tap it into neutral to stop. Dot 4 fluid in the reservoir was almost gone. I suspect that meanwhile the fluid has mixed itself with the engine oil along the leaking slave cylinder... hopefully the fluid will not cause any damage to the internal seals in the future... by Dot 4. Tomorrow I'm going to take the front of the engine apart and shall have a look what did happen down there. Just to be on the safe side, I will have to change the engine oil. And oil filter. And.....