Ok so the Oberon CLU 1125 slave cylinder problem is sorted.
Now for the master cylinder inc. reservoir lid diaphragm....
TTS haven't divulged who the manufacturer is, hey, can't blame them.
But anyway in the interests of freedom of information, I think I've found them;
Chromed aftermarket Suzuki Intruder / Honda VTX 1800 / Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 "
el-cheapo" replacements off eBay or Amazon etc.
Replacement Brake Master Cylinder Clutch Lever For Suzuki Intruder 800 1400 1500 | eBay
Fairly cost effective... so cost effective, I would wager the materials gone into the master cylinder and the reservoir diaphragm are of a low grade and prone to shedding like I found in mine.
So I've concluded that the wear evident in my reservoir diaphragm (and quite possibly the master) might not be due to wrong material (like with the slave), but just cheap cheap cheap grade materials.
Haven't decided whether I'll just replace the rubbers using genuine Suzuki/Honda/Kawasaki yet (they mightn't fit the aftermarket
el-cheapo) or replace the whole clutch & brake controls for a matching pair off some bike with 1" bars yet.