How's life with a R3?

Reading Sonny Bargers book as well as course he took 12 months ago and one he intends to take should prepare him to .... borrow the scooter again .. joking .. good luck with your new bike .
Sorry for taking so long to reply, I've been busy as hell with summer school. I should have probably mentioned I took the MSF course to get my license a little more than a year ago back in good 'ol Kansas. I plan on taking the advanced MSF course as soon as I possibly can. I'm picking up the machine on the 29th of this month, already have finances and insurance in order. The dumb-ass grin hasn't left since I put the deposit down:D! Wanna know something funny? My riding experience consists of a Honda rebel 250 from the MSF course and my mother's 50cc moped.......... This last week has been all about the mental preparation. I picked up Sonny Barger's guide to motorcycling called Let's Ride and cleared it cover to cover twice. I've been slowing my constant adrenaline rush and trying to keep calm thoughts... My rocket experience (other than the vertically flying kind) consist of plopping my ass on one in the showroom, and a seeming interrogation of the salesman who himself has a touring model. My first stop after pick will be a large parking lot for a couple few hours of practicing spill-less smiles(knock on wood). Thanks for all your guys' great advice! I look forward to upping my post count, and keeping my coconut(s) in one piece:D

Well ,if its any comfort ,I never rode a bike for the best part of 25 years.Then I went and bought a Honda XR650L and rode that for a little while before buying the rocket.

The hardest part was learning how to corner a bike with so much gyroscopic force. working against you combined with the big tyres.
The brakes are good IMO ,but the rear can lock up easy. In an emergency they can pull up pretty quick and straight and its a good thing to practice.
Youll find that with the big black bike and Jardines,the cars will give you a wider berth than other lesser bikes.:D

Ill never forget the day I picked it up and rode home. I bought it in the city at the old owners office and had to get on the freeway to get to my place.
Getting used to the torque and negotiating the bike through the traffic is something that made my hair stand on end until I hit the freeway.Then I got the thrill of my life when I found a clear spot and grabbed some throttle:eek::D.
Just as I was nearing my house ,huge black clouds like I had never seen before were forming.
I ducked for cover in a petrol station and we had the heaviest hail,rain ever recorded in these parts.
The strom lasted all afternoon and stopped me from riding the bike which pissed me off a little.
Later that night ,about 9pm ,the storm passed and I got the bike out and followed the storm for about 80klms.It was a quite buzz riding the bike with a huge electrical storm just in front of me.:D
Sonny Barger wrote a guide to motorcycling called lets ride?

Does anybody else find that as funny as I do?...


I just read the reviews on the book and it actually sounds interesting,
Go figure...
I think he kind of mellowed in his older years and from his battle with cancer.I heard he doesnt even ride HDs anymore,swapped over to Victory.

True enough and it's the real ugly one that Canberra hates .. it's the Vision I think.
I wouldn't so much say it's ugly. Stupid looking is more like it. It's the stupidest looking bike I've ever seen. ;)

Anyway, KODM, good luck!
Another Aussie welcome k.o.d meche take your time and enjoy the machine I'll always remember my first thoughts while riding this beast of a bike for the first time. It was simply how the hell did the government allow these things into the country