
Thanks, Chris; I'll still come by there as well - but will prob be over here more, learning, at least for a while. I took a long test ride, and I found the torque from the engine really interesting in the curves. Definitely will take some learning.
okay - so, it looks like weekend of 17, 18, 19 May - MVNC. the Holiday Motel is booked up. looks like there's a comfort inn across the street. is that the usual overflow location?

I'd prob get there friday - leave sunday afternoon.
okay - so, it looks like weekend of 17, 18, 19 May - MVNC. the Holiday Motel is booked up. looks like there's a comfort inn across the street. is that the usual overflow location?

I'd prob get there friday - leave sunday afternoon.

If you call the holyday motel they will handle your reservetion, even if they put you in the overflow motel, they willtake care of it
Welcome aboard hairdoo. Won't see you at M/V due to prior engagements, but I may run into you sometime. That is a beautiful area your from, as seen from the interstate.
thanks, peter, and can-bra!

rigger-mark, we're not that far apart - we should get a ride up some time. i ride with a bunch of HD guys up here as well - but they mostly are just cool guys who like to ride.