Thanks, Chris; I'll still come by there as well - but will prob be over here more, learning, at least for a while. I took a long test ride, and I found the torque from the engine really interesting in the curves. Definitely will take some learning.
okay - so, it looks like weekend of 17, 18, 19 May - MVNC. the Holiday Motel is booked up. looks like there's a comfort inn across the street. is that the usual overflow location? ;)

I'd prob get there friday - leave sunday afternoon.
okay - so, it looks like weekend of 17, 18, 19 May - MVNC. the Holiday Motel is booked up. looks like there's a comfort inn across the street. is that the usual overflow location? ;)

I'd prob get there friday - leave sunday afternoon.

If you call the holyday motel they will handle your reservetion, even if they put you in the overflow motel, they willtake care of it:)
Welcome aboard hairdoo. Won't see you at M/V due to prior engagements, but I may run into you sometime. That is a beautiful area your from, as seen from the interstate.
thanks, peter, and can-bra!

rigger-mark, we're not that far apart - we should get a ride up some time. i ride with a bunch of HD guys up here as well - but they mostly are just cool guys who like to ride.