Welcome from West Michigan ! Right about here.

Good morning y'all! I'm a proud new owner of a 2018 Rocket 3, also have a 2017 Bonneville T100. I live in the North Texas area, North East of Dallas. Lots of Farm Market roads here with plenty of turns to keep it fun. I was away form motorcycles for several years but after my wife passed away I decided to get out and start enjoying life again, life can be short and you never know when it may end. I've gone from no bikes to 3 in a short time LOL. Thanks for having me here and I hope to draw upon everyone's experience. I have a large family and we all live near each other and a large part of us ride, we try to go out as a family at least once a week, weather permitting, with more riding in between.

Welcome from a couple of hours west of you. Some **** good roads out of the metroplex. Looking forward to warmer weather.


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Welcome from the crossroads of America..........Indiana.

Sorry for your loss.

Glad to have you among us.

Texas the new sunshine state.
Hello RKrodie from the great white north. Glad to have you aboard. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience freely given on this site. The girls and guys here are a selfless lot willing to go out of their way to help pretty well any Rocket Capitano. A lot of us fantasize about life and our rides. You're gonna fit right in.