I am a law-abiding citizen and obey the rules of the road, but there are times when rules get broken, like breaking the speed limit when overtaking (this was recommended to me by a policeman).
With the above in mind I am after moving the licence plate of my 2020 Rocket 3 GT in such a way as to reduce the chances of it being visible or readable by speed cameras when I am overtaking someone as we go past a speed camera.
A friend with a 2.3 Rocket was able to move his plate up under the rear mudguard so as to restrict the view of the middle of the plate but I don’t have that back end on mine.
Nor is speeding, however when passing a slower-moving vehicle it is safer to go over the speed limit, get past them quickly and slow down again than it is to crawl past them at the speed limit and thus be in danger for a substantially longer time. As I said in my original post, this was recommended to me by a police officer and honestly it just makes sense.
The argument "well just slow down" doesn't work if the driver in front is slow, erratic and a danger to you and themselves. These drivers need to be avoided at all costs by motorcyclists and, if they're averaging less than the speed limit, overtaking them is the safest course of action.
Get a 2nd number plate, snap in half so its flapping, put in pocket, remove other plate, you get pulled show them broken one, or just put a bit of tape over part of the plate. In all honesty just watch the road furniture for camera signs, wait, then over take after
Hey if you want to move your plate then move it. The reason they do it here in Cali is to drive like assh**** and no one can read their license plate number to report them. They also do it to not pay bridge tolls, current registration and riding in the Express lanes to keep the cameras from identifying them to pay for the use of the lane. The chances of getting caught are pretty slim I would say at least here anyway. You say you want to do it to pass slower traffic and not get caught by the cameras? 1olebull could probably steer you better than I can. I won't hide my license plate but I do fart in elevators and blame other people. We all have our demon's.