Thank you very much... I've learned something new today. It's been said, if you can learn a new tidbit of info every day, you've accomplished... Time to go back to bed.
How do you get 'reversed gearing' from the term GP??? I'm guessing a few of us have never heard the term used to identify that. I've looked up the term and it can mean General Practitioner, Grade Pending, Gold Points, Ground Plane, Get Pis_ed, etc etc but I don't see that???
GP shift or race shift pattern vs road shift pattern. Yep. They’re named.
It’s how 99% moto gp racers prefer their shift pattern. It allows for easier control when leaning off the bike & leaning into a turn. No need to maneuver your foot under the peg, which can throw off your balance a bit. Just stomp that peg to upshift!
My last bike was a panigale 1199, that has stock up/down quick shifter. The previous owner made it gp shift. It took me about a day to get used to, but once I did, I never wanted to go back! It’s super fun when spiritly riding! Hold the throttle, and just stomp thru them gears…..vrooooooooooom!
I have friends who have converted their street sport bikes to GP shifting, so I've had opportunity to experience it. It would be difficult for me to rewire my brain - instead I had to translate what I wanted to do like it was a foreign language. I have a similar difficulty with snowmobiles, jet skis, and four wheelers - they all have handlebars so my instinct is to countersteer them.