How Many Miles??

You say your run DS. What tire are you using.
50,000 miles on my 05 standard that i previously had and 7000 on my 2012 R3R
56,000 miles.
Amsoil 15-40 Heavy Duty Marine Diesel oil every 7500 miles and I never run her hard.
50,000 miles since Oct 2015. No 74 getting better everyday. For what it is worth got a 2010 Fatboy with 120,000 plus bought new. Some folks on here like to talk and claim they ride by saying they have owned a lot of bikes and ride them all. Bull**** flag. They buy high mileage bikes and turn and sell them by the butt loads. Claim they own them all even after they bike is long and sold. Use to the bull on the Harley forums but really surprised to see the same crap on here. Not hard to spot bull****
These posts are becoming a theme for you lately @sonny, just like Art aka @IMFASTOO had his own.

Ah its Sunday night!