How many members have Tribal Orange tins?

I would love to get my bike painted, but that is something I just have no vision for.

I like the paint on my bike, but..........

This is the one I saw I fell in love with. So much I saved it.

R3T Green.jpg

I saw a paint job on Facebook that I just fell in love with. Wish I could see colors like others do.
Yes I BOUGHT mine in Seattle I was told at the time they only did 4 and mine was # 4 they only did it for for one year , you couldn't even order even if you wanted one not even now.
I seen that in on the front of a magazine that I still have, and one happen to come up for sale, for all the rides I went on I have never seen one, and I only seen one other one for sale all these years.
The only problem is that if you get a chip in paint no one can match it perhaps close but not perfect ,it's a three stage Pearl I was told by many painters, because I'm getting a custom tank done and don't want to paint all the bike no one can do it.
So I did serval phone calls to triumph and they wouldn't release this limited colour code, the said then could send me a whole set because my bike was in ther system, I got up set and said that's not fair I have a scratch that's large enough no one can match it and because of that I need to buy a whole set off you because you refruze to give me the code what kind of customer service is that ? My bike is registered I'm not just some guy phoning to get the colour code.
So they finally gave it to me, so now when I get my tank done it that happens I could paint my tank the same and future chips or Socrates I can get touched up, but what a fight they put up.
Yes I BOUGHT mine in Seattle I was told at the time they only did 4 and mine was # 4 they only did it for for one year , you couldn't even order even if you wanted one not even now.
I seen that in on the front of a magazine that I still have, and one happen to come up for sale, for all the rides I went on I have never seen one, and I only seen one other one for sale all these years.
The only problem is that if you get a chip in paint no one can match it perhaps close but not perfect ,it's a three stage Pearl I was told by many painters, because I'm getting a custom tank done and don't want to paint all the bike no one can do it.
So I did serval phone calls to triumph and they wouldn't release this limited colour code, the said then could send me a whole set because my bike was in ther system, I got up set and said that's not fair I have a scratch that's large enough no one can match it and because of that I need to buy a whole set off you because you refruze to give me the code what kind of customer service is that ? My bike is registered I'm not just some guy phoning to get the colour code.
So they finally gave it to me, so now when I get my tank done it that happens I could paint my tank the same and future chips or Socrates I can get touched up, but what a fight they put up.

Re Paint code search.
When was this? So...... come on, share the secret code.

Is it the same as I posted lasted year?
(Lucifer Orange ED IVC L2501 T3120300-ED) (with Black Decal Colour) (Body Kit A9708068-ZEFD), (Body Kit with flyscreen A9708069-ZEFD)

Paint codes
Same but I got paint Standox not sure if that means somthing.
how did you get it? I went through a lot to get it because Triumph doesn't want any one matching there limited paint colours.
Harley has a simalar colour with gold flaks but I had my bike up closs to one and my orange is a way nicer orange up close especially when the sun comes done one it.
Google found it for me with hours of assistance from a hubot - me.;):D

My quest has begun.

Bought the Tribal decal set that @Paul Bryant posted.
Already have spare tank and F/R guards to paint.

Just got a NOS never fitted set of Radiator shrouds for US$150 offered :) to a dealer (was listed at US $262.50).


Got the pair of side covers cheap too for a US$50 offer.

And the NOS Flyscreen for US$100 offer.
nice, I do get a lot of compliments and horns beeping at me and I say yeah mine was the only one done Triumph done it as a advertising and I bought it , and it’s worth a lot of money, now there be one one, I don’t
know if yours be worth as much as mine yours is not registered with Triumph:)
Well get ready for a lot of people asking questions and don’t use my line:) and orange is the fastest your find out:) your going to get all different colors saying there’s is faster but there not:)
It will be a while and in the mean time my brand new Red stripe Phantom Black tank should arrive from the UK in a few days to complete my Red stripe swap over. It cost GBP 350 after a knockdown from 400 and freight to Oz is a killer at 91 quid but for Au$820 landed here it frees up my current tank for the Orange Tribal and saves a lot of stuffing around getting it done.
I like the look to that as well, I always been a big fan of the two stripes going down the bike, the corbra look.
To tell you the truth I have been debating when that guy re due my tank I was thinking of getting my tribal sanded off and keep the orange with the black stripes going down the bike , since he’s putting a scoop on top of the tank and making bothe side of the tank the same, but I still can’t decide:(