How loud is the Paint Can Rattle?

While it was useful to service the cam chain tensioner, which was half worn? at 33k miles (add slug) and seems to be bang on schedule (replace at 70k), or didn't resolve the rattle. Ride about for a few mins leads me to believe it's the exhaust, more specifically where I had an off and exhaust took a bash, it's loosened the innards and some is rattling around in the exhaust flow. I've done another video. It's in three right hand can for sure.
Mmm does sound like something loose inside. Not sure if a scope would help. Other then that take it off sure it will be louder maybe slip some kind of a can on her just so yoi can hear whether its there still or laying on the bench heck pull the pipe and shake it first you might be surprised
At least it doesn't appear to be anything too expensive or damaging to the engine.
Well it shouldn't be too expressive but... It's the exhaust. Took it off to check. The gubbins are all loose inside. This is the second set of TORS I've been through. The first set rusted inside quite quickly like pig iron. Maybe the sea air in Brighton. So I just procured some used but in great nick Dave Platt pipes off the bay for less than half the cost of new DP ones. So no it shouldn't of been expensive but turned out differently
Oooohhh, horse power killers they be! Better than a poke in the eye with a plastic duck though, at least you can be mobile and not rattle down the road!!

Trust you to bring the tittes and the chicken in to it