How far will rear tires go?


.020 Over
Feb 19, 2009
Sydney, Australia
Howdy all

Had my Rocket about 4 months now (bought it new) and clocked up over 5800km (about 3100miles). The bike is better than se... no, hang on a minute it's good but not that good. The rear stock tyre seems to be holding up well despite the dealer telling me I'd have to fit a new one at around the 6000km mark. Does this guy know what he is talking about? Hmm...I don't think so.

So, my question is this, what is the average life expectancy for a standard 240 rear metz? What's everyone's experience out there? I ride very conservatively and most of the time with my princess on the back. Thanks everyone!!
Keep in mind that Juggs' example is the most extreme. It's simply mind-boggling that he got so many miles out of it.

The average seems to be in the 5-8 thousand mile range. Depending on your riding style and road conditions, your results may vary.

I never do burnouts or wheelies or any of that sort of thing and I was only getting 5500-6500 out of my first 2 Metzs before I went darkside. Now I have 9000 on my Riken and it still looks brand new.
I burned throught two Metzler rears at about 6,500 miles each. I have more than 10K on my Yoko and there's only noticeable wear at the outer corners and not much of it!!
idk said:
Just over 5,000 miles (8,000 k's) on the Metz. Approx 40,000 miles later and I am looking at replacing my 2nd Darkside tyre fairly soon.

Bob - whereabouts in the world are you?

Americans seem to get huge mileage out of a tyre, UK riders much less.

Have no idea why this is, but in the UK I was getting through a rear about every 3000 to 3500 miles, and I reckon that is about average for us.

On one run around Ireland, fitted a new tyre before I left, then had to replace it three weeks later.
owl said:
Americans seem to get huge mileage out of a tyre, UK riders much less.

You should see how long I can get a condom to last...
I got about 6,000 out of mine. It had a bit left in it, but not enough for driving in the rain. We all pretty much agree that Juggs was crazy, because I know for a fact he was driving in plenty of rain.

Regardless, I swapped over to a Rikon Raptor which has 3000 very hard miles on it, with a supercharger and a sidecar, and the thing looks to be at about 75%.

I would imagine that with a Metz, my Supercharger and my sidecar I'd burn up a rear tire in 2000 to 3000 miles. Thats based on other folks with sidecars telling me they go about 2x times as fast.

Not that you have a sidecar ... but I thought I'd share :lol: :lol: :lol: