How best to secure an EZ Pass transponder on a motorcycle ?

Way to much info. When I do and if I do just stop hand them or the machine the coins, do a good take off and be done with it. Have flirted a few times with the booth attendants.
Way to much info. When I do and if I do just stop hand them or the machine the coins, do a good take off and be done with it. Have flirted a few times with the booth attendants.
I do the same thing but hear in Virginia or at least the local cities around here did away with toll booths. And well its been a year and I am still waiting on two tolls to get billed so I avoid them now.
Wow had no idea. Back in the day they had booths. Here in Oklahoma they still have booths. The people that work them are always friendly.
I once stopped at a booth, and handed the lady a $2 bill. She took it, looked, and gave it back with a wicked frown, saying it was bad luck, and waved me through. She appeared by dress and accent to be southwest Asian - don't know if that had anything to do with it.
I missed this post after losing one on the bike i put it in the pouch on the wind shield. I don't think the adhesive is strong enough for bikes in the wind.
Yes, no more cash tolls, you must have a transponder in your vehicle or you receive a bill in the post for the toll plus a fee. If you don't pay on time the fees increase to big amounts.
For motorcycles it's the same except you don't have a transponder on th bike. You have an an account with your license plate number attached. The toll does number plate recognition and charges the account.
But if you don't pay a $3 toll can reach $75 or more very quickly.
Me and my mother were prowling around in her car searching for facilities to care for a deceased uncle, and I didn't have my ez pass....we understood that the midtown tunnel in Norfolk/Portsmouth had gotten cameras to take pictures of folk without transponders. Well, we dived into the tunnel and there was heavy traffic. Mother never got a bill so we reckon traffic was so dense that it never saw OUR car. Maybe somebody payed two tolls!