How best to secure an EZ Pass transponder on a motorcycle ?

You can buy pre-packed retail strips at about a dollar an inch (2 pieces of 3" for about $7) - in hardware store ..... or buy about 10 or 15 feet on eBay for more like a dollar a FOOT!!
Not here you can't. I have to get mine from the UK.

As Trump says mate "JHIIIINA, JHIIIINA", well HK actually but JHIIIINA runs it again.

Price: US $6.18
Free shipping

I pc tape, tape size: 25.4mm x 1m
Stem Density‎: 250
color: Black
shape: wave
intensity: highest
adhesive: acrylic acid
customize: according to you requirement.
temperature: long time,70 degree; short time,93 dgree

25.4mmx1m 3M SJ3550 Dual Lock Reclosable Fastener super heavy duty VHB adhesive | eBay

I'm loving these responses. When I was back there two years ago on a ride they had a model for motorcycles. It was right there next to the regular units at the travel plaza. Get that one throw it in the bottom of your bag and you're done.
I went to the 3M site and where it said 250:400 is the strongest combination, I went to Digi-Key and ordered small amounts of each. I will likely use it in several places on the bike. I have the McCruise control module under the right side panel, the Shindegen series r/r under the left side panel, the power distribution block wedged between the rear fender and the battery, the as-yet-to-be-installed Fuel Bot 2.0, and yes, maybe even the EZ-PASS transponder.
Probably would not use it on the R/R Paul - remember that is producing heat, so not sure how that is going to go down with the adhesive.

You might be over-thinking getting the 'strongest' - you will find even the most modest is way superior to Velcro.
I supply strips of the SJ3550 250 with VHB Adhesive with my KeyLess kits.
250 to itself should be plenty strong for those types of applications

Here is video talking about the application combos

And this independent user has a pretty good overview of it and comparison to Velcro

This might be obvious, but here's a really simple installation tip:
Apply one piece to the device you want to mount, then couple the mating strip aligned to that (so you have both pieces mated to each other, applied to the device)
- then remove the backing tape and apply the device to your mounting location in the exact position you want.
Doing this, versus applying each strip independently, ensures you get the exact mounting alignment vs a 'good guess'.

This is my Fuelbot mounted on a home-made bracket and attached with Dual Lock:


Good advice -- the EZ-PASS I lost was secured with SJ3550 250 as supplied with the device, so I'm looking for better.