How best to secure an EZ Pass transponder on a motorcycle ?

.... the EZ-PASS I lost was secured with SJ3550 250 as supplied with the device ....

Sorry - misunderstood your opening post where it said "hook and loop" (aka Velcro)

Have to say I am pretty surprised that you lost it if was indeed Dual Lock - can you expand on what failed - was it the interlocking mate, or adhesive?
Sorry if I'm being thick - was it hook & loop or dual lock ???
Heres something that matters.

ime - hook(spikey)/loop(fluffy) - (aka velco) and Dual lock (little mushrooms) have a tough time of it if one surface is flat and the other (albeit only slightly) curved. They basically either don't fully mesh or part of the system is close to release tension. Again ime most "velcro" supplied with stuff is on the skimpy side regarding surface area. Where possible I make small bracket. And I go for overkill.
A little late to the party, but, I use a leather ez-pass holder I got off of Amazon. Heavy-duty and has a long/strong Velcro strap that wraps around bars.

A tidbit- In Va, if you ride without your tag, the system will also take a pic of your plate and match it in the system automagically. However, after the system does that auto-matching a dozen or so times, it will start to charge an additional $1 fee billed as a "V-Toll" fee. I took a screenshot of my own EzPass account below to show some of it. The toll bastards are worse than bridge trolls at extorting more money from you.

Every time you see "V-Toll", that's a run through an ez-pass lane where it didn't read my tag (sometimes I legitimately did not have it, but many I did). This means that transaction was flagged for an additional fee, which they nicely add up and summarily charge you for with that line that says "VTOLL fee". The lines that say "toll transactions" are where it read the tag correctly.

Also, there is a difference in transponders. A motorcycle transponder in VA is a code "136" transponder (car/truck is 72) and it has to be programmed to send that 136 code. It is entirely possible a truck/car transponder will in fact be read correctly by some of the toll scanners (and often they do), BUT, in talking to the folks who administer the EZpass system it's not guaranteed to always match correctly so you could be getting hit with the v-toll fee just because the class code of the transponder does not match. The little transponders all look the same, but they send different codes.

Ok definitely dual lock then - was just getting confused by the hook & loop (which dual lock is not)
Really surprised that would let go though ....
I suspect it was part operator error, as suggested by @barbagris that curvature is the enemy of Dual-Lok, and I did have it mounted on the curved part of the windshield on the reasoning that down low in the middle would be least obtrusive to my vision. And inexcusably sloppy use of language on my part, I apologize.