Too Tall Texan

.020 Over
Feb 12, 2020
2011 R3 Touring
Just got my R3 Touring. Bought in from out of state. Was hoping that it might fit better than my VTX1800R. Like my 1800, I've put handle bar risers which bring the bar higher and closer, but I put them on backwards pushing them out. That helps. I've also gone with extended hi way pegs. Another win. On my VTX, I put in fork extender inserts. Counter-intuitive, but that also helped. Going to go with a Mustang seat that lowers 1/2" and pushes back 1". Any other suggestions to make this moped fit my 6'8" self?
Buy a boss hoss????? you are one big guy, did you get the VTX to your satisfaction?
If you ever meet up with our resident Mexican-Lupoe- you can use him as a portable s-toy.
Yeah, the VTX just sits a bit lower (ass to axle). I'll keep playin'. I'm a design engineer, so the torch might have to come out! I did strongly consider the Boss, but my marriage is too good to drop that kind of scratch! Thanks,
If the bike still has the OEM Touring bars then swap those out for T-bars or a Harley Touring bar. Both will have less rise and pull-back.
If the bike still has the OEM Touring bars then swap those out for T-bars or a Harley Touring bar. Both will have less rise and pull-back.
I have some nic
e looking risers reversed. Bars are pretty good. Just gotta get my butt lower!