Not to be a wet blanket, BUT all this praise inclines me to offer my experiences for appropriate memory perspective.
Back in 85 - 87, my riding bud bought a new V65 Magna. I was on a 77 1000 Kaw LTD then and it would grease the Magna both in a drag race and especially in the corners.
I spent many hours riding the Magna as we would frequently swap bikes. The V65 was awesome smooth and powerful down low; however, It also handled like crap in the corners.
Its frame would flex at the swing arm first and then, if ya had the balls to continue, also at the goose neck. This condition was WAY worse and happened way sooner than with the Kaw 1000.
The only motor I had ridden that was worse handling was the 85 Goldwing, which I also had for two years. Since 2001 Goldwing has been a great handling motor!
In 85 I bought a 900 Ninja that was head and shoulders above either of our bikes in all respects except comfort. The first day out we traded bikes - the next day my bud traded in his Magna for his own 900 Ninja.
A nice ride for sure - not a performer. Just my 2 cents worth . . .