Honda Magna

I still have and ride my 95 Magna. A problem I have with going from the rocket to the Magna is when I go into a corner I tend to through it into the turn and all most throw it to the ground. It takes a liter touch than the Beast

See my post, below... I also had a '94 Magna (bought new in '95) and found the engine to be quite tractable. I've always said that if they had used the 750 V4 engine as the powerplant for the later "750 ACE" (instead of the 45hp 750 V-twin), they'd have a much better 750-class cruiser that cranks almost twice the horsepower, practically speaking, of the v-twin version, and more smoothly. You could ride "two up" much more suitably than is practical on the 750 v-twin ACE, even though the "little" ACE later sold circles around the former sales records of this last incarnation of the Magna. But the buying public thinks "they must have a V-twin!", even if it's just barely passable in the power dept. As long as it "sounds cool", they're good to go. Silly bunch of people. (Note my other post below: I wouldn't have traded mine, but for the slightly more cramped riding position of the Magna. Otherwise, I might still have it today, as I do my '96 1100 ACE.. which I bought primarily because of the increased comfort level and decent ride quality.) Oh, to add: the Magna - and I'm speaking of course particularly of this last "cruiser" style version - didn't have many options or aftermarket goodies, either, which drew complaints from many riders who were looking to "personalize" their rides with doo-dads. This was mentioned as a problem even by my friend the Honda dealer. That didn't bother me or keep me from appreciating mine, but apparently "doo-dads" are really important to many folks... and the Magna didn't offer many options or opportunities for such. It didn't matter that it had a mill that was WAY more advanced than many others... the buying public is silly and fickle, at best.
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Not to be a wet blanket, BUT all this praise inclines me to offer my experiences for appropriate memory perspective.
Back in 85 - 87, my riding bud bought a new V65 Magna. I was on a 77 1000 Kaw LTD then and it would grease the Magna both in a drag race and especially in the corners.
I spent many hours riding the Magna as we would frequently swap bikes. The V65 was awesome smooth and powerful down low; however, It also handled like crap in the corners.
Its frame would flex at the swing arm first and then, if ya had the balls to continue, also at the goose neck. This condition was WAY worse and happened way sooner than with the Kaw 1000.
The only motor I had ridden that was worse handling was the 85 Goldwing, which I also had for two years. Since 2001 Goldwing has been a great handling motor!
In 85 I bought a 900 Ninja that was head and shoulders above either of our bikes in all respects except comfort. The first day out we traded bikes - the next day my bud traded in his Magna for his own 900 Ninja.
A nice ride for sure - not a performer. Just my 2 cents worth . . .

I appreciated the last iteration (newer frame, frame length, lower apparent height, aesthetics, etc.) most particularly - at least for about a year, or year and a half - but, as I sort-of alluded, above, it didn't keep me comfortable enough to continue with it (i.e, I'm no "fan boy", as they say.) With it I didn't notice the frame/swingarm flexing you spoke of as being a problem on that earlier version you had ridden. And I do believe the engine was a reliable, stout and versatile one (again, I'm speaking of the only one I ever owned or rode, which was the final version produced) and is still not outdated in many, if any, ways... and could still be well utilized in an entirely different setup. Honda does NOT have a good lineup variety now. That new CTX-whatever-it-is, is just barely "ok", coming off as a bunch of plastic shrouds/fairings around a sorta'-semi-R3-looking mill and a handlebar/fork setup that feels like it's four feet horizontally from the grips to the headstock... as one fellow said, "felt like steering a wheelbarrow". I doubt the slight similarities in the header piping, etc, to the R3 was coincidence, either... but it fails in most regards, especially for the suggested price of $16 grand. I went and looked at it, and didn't even care to test ride it. Same for all of Honda's "cruiser" offerings today: VTX 1300 engines are now on exaggerated and/or stretched frames/front ends - "Now and wow!" fake chopper crap, and as you know, the more appealing (for me, at least) 1800 version was discontinued some time ago. Nor did I want a Gold Wing, nor especially the GW Valkyrie (don't care for it's dead plastic-y look, either). They just don't have many ("any"?) well made looking "polished heavy chrome and fine paint job machines". And I think their dealers know they're somewhat "in trouble" on their selection, too (I read their anxiety "like a book"). But back to the original post in this thread, I think the fellow got a great bike, overall, for $800. (I live in a fairly practical world for the most part, and I love a deal as does the original poster here, apparently... and there you had to go and be a "wet blanket" to the feller'... lol...)
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FYI... there is a difference between the Magna and the Sabre.... I'm 6'-6" and 320 lb's... there's not anything from the 70's-80's that a Sabre can't spank... UMJ to UMJ..
FYI... there is a difference between the Magna and the Sabre.... I'm 6'-6" and 320 lb's... there's not anything from the 70's-80's that a Sabre can't spank... UMJ to UMJ..

Interesting. I never rode the Sabre model you spoke of, but I'll take your word for it. Did you recall that they dusted off the "Sabre" namesake and badged a more recent version (several years ago) of one of the 1100 Shadows (no version at all of the venerable hydraulic lifter 1100 v-twin is made, now, sadly) with it? Of course it bore no similarity to the Sabre engine to which you refer here, obviously, but it's just interesting how they recycled the namesake.
Honda took the Saber name and put it on their VT1300. this was the new redesign using the VTX 1300 motor. which is a spin off of the fury. as for the Magna, I still ride mine, when I feel small (300lbs small) and need to zip around the roads in my hood. the 3rd generation had a redeigned frame and had a little more regidity to it. as for handling... i was able ti grind the pegs and my boot sole to around 45 deg angle on the side. it is amazing how well that bike acn handle. this said you will tack my rocket away from me when you pry my cold dead hande off the grips.
I had a '94 Magna. Bought it brand new. I liked the bike, but due to raising kids, working, and raising dogs, I never rode it much. I gave it to my son in 2011. He rolled it, but got off before he did. Totaled the bike, but fortunately he got off with minor scraps and bruises. A good lesson learned. Had he not been wearing a leather jacket and full face helmet he would have been seriously injured. Thank God it wasn't a Rocket, or I don't think he would have been so fortunate.

Here is a pic of my 1984 V65 Sabre for you guys not knowing what this bike looks like...

I had a buddy of mine that's on our V4 list ( come by and get my bike to install tires and change ALL of the fluids for me.. I work pipelines and really don't have the time to do stuff like that any more.. plus... he gets to ride the crap out of it till pick it up from him...

You're correct, and before that (in 2000) they'd put it on the 1100cc Shadow (VT1100C2), replacing the ACE 1100, which I have one of. I believe they discontinued the Shadow Sabre in '07 or so, and then "patched over" a VT1300 to the moniker in '10. Who knows... maybe they'll label a lawnmower or generator with it before it's over...

I'm surely enjoying my new R3T... and I'm breaking it in as carefully as I can, as per their specs/recs. I don't intend on buying another bike, and am looking fwd to the R3T going many a mile.
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I had a new 1983 Magna V65 and then bought a 1984 Sabre V65 new and added the HondaLine Sport fairing with lower. I rode the hell out of the Magna but vey seldom rode the Sabre. Last Spring I decided that the Sabre had been lurking in the back of the garage for 25+ years and decided to get it back on the road. I had the 4 carbs rebuilt, changed fluids and popped in a new battery. Good to go!
It still screams but I can't find a really comfortable riding position for longer rides which is why it only has 2400 mile. I always ride the Sabre with deck shoes and no socks and the right peg is right alongside the engine case - it burns the inside of my ankle so I usually ride it when the weather is cooler...
Despite that, I still like it and I get a lot of comments (and offers to buy) from folks that know what it is.