Honda Davidson????

Jack... Please pass me a 55 gallon drum of that hooch...

Flip... your students see this... what should they do?


Does that mean the Hell's Angels are getting too old to keep it up on two wheels??
Hey Flip

Next time you fill a silo with corn put a non glazed clay jug, Like an old whiskey jug at the bottom corked. the weight of the corn will fill the jug up with some stuff that will curl you toe's. Might even power your R3.
Flip... your students see this... what should they do?


That's a good one. So is the humor about 'Old Timer sex'. Most of our students seem to have a reading comprehension problem anyway so they wouldn't be fazed. They'd just ignore it. Besides, most of 'em have to use 99% of their grey matter trying to figure out how to shift a standard transmission and it's only a 8 speed. I can't imagine what it would be like if I had a 13 or an 18 speed, they'd be driving right off the road while trying to figure out where the next gear was. Kids today only know how to put it in 'Drive'.

On the CDL test and on the practice test, one question the examiner asks is what did the last road sign say that you just passed? 99% don't have a clue.:bch:
Next time you fill a silo with corn put a non glazed clay jug, Like an old whiskey jug at the bottom corked. the weight of the corn will fill the jug up with some stuff that will curl you toe's. Might even power your R3.

I'll have to try that this fall. By non glazed, I take it you mean a green ware jug or a green crock with a tight fitting lid? The farmer down the way is erecting a 230,000 bushel GSI Top Dry bin. We could line up a whole bunch of jugs on the header. Problem is, the bins won't be emptied until spring.....guess we'll have to wait for a while.

Contract price is 4 bucks a bushel. Folks with corn burners are gonna suffer a sad fate this winter. I see cleaned/screened 15% ambient corn will be right around 5-1/2 bucks a bushel....I need to invest in a rotary cleaner and a bagging line.

Tom I know now I have a problem..I cant get this thought out of my head about Ethanol and cranberry juce..Paul how much for a gallon of them squeezins and can you ship It with out hazmat charges??? Good fer that guy that controls the road signs..Jack

This is too true! My job in the military is operating just about anything that moves, with the additional duty of training FNGs when they get here. I'm sure you know the difficulty of teaching a manual trans virgin how to properly double-clutch and shift a grumpy, beat-up 9-speed RoadRanger. Takes a fair bit just to teach the difference between a splitter and range selector on the 13s and 18s... Though, to my credit, I've managed to pull it off in an average of one week, taking one trainee out one at a time. The mechanically inclined ones seem to have an easier time, as I can sit down and show 'em a pic of the innards and they can see how it functions.

Now backing, setting up for turning a sharp corner... yeah, that takes the most time. Spent almost two months with one poor soul, just getting the basics down.

Oh, and I do still possess a class-A Idaho CDL, with endorsements for hazmat, tanker, doubles, triples (haven't needed it yet... don't want to need it, either, as windy as it gets here), and passenger.
Does anyone remember the Honda Davidson that Chris Irland build at desprate Dans in Leigton buzzard about 20 years ago, now thats the way to go out brother Bikie dude Americans, nothing wrong with a Honda You meet the nicest people on a honda lol.
now American Chopper will be renamed to American Honda Chopper, i can relate to that for sure.:bch:
Um yup

Flip, I guess you would call it green where.
You don’t want anything to impede on the liquid entering the jug. It will take a long time for it to get anything in it. The corn has to start sweating and fermenting.
Busa, You want to start a new trend, cranberry scented ethanol. The tree huggers just might run with that idea. This idea might subsidize you retirement.