Honda Davidson????

Good news for Triumph

This could be good news, in that Triumph may come out as a respectable alternative to Honda Davidson or what ever it will be called. Polaris-Victory could benefit greatly as well.

It does seem illogical for HD to be owned by a foreigner but shall we go thru the list of ex-American companies bought by foreigners. America does it all the time,...Saab, Volvo, etc.
By By Victory

We had a Victory Dealership open up in April of this year. It was in a prime location in town in an old auto dealership building. Lots of ads and open house days. I saw a fair number of the bikes around town. Last Friday I rode by the place, cardboard on the windows. Locked up tight as a bug's ass. My two LOCAL Triumph Dealerships might be 60 miles away in each direction, but at least they are still there.

Lets include some big ones...Chrysler. I know Chrysler was sold to Cerberus but I bet you didn't know that the majority of execs that sit on the controlling board of Cerberus are Daimler execs. It's still Daimler at the helm, they are just mitigating their Legacy costs and putting themselves in a position to dismantle the company if need be.

Detroit Diesel, Freight liner, Volvo is Vo-Mack. Volvo bought the controlling rights to Mack Trucks a few years back. Target Stores are Swedish. Every 7-11 and every motel is foreign owned as well as every Sunoco gas station. At least we know who owns hero Hector.

It's getting hard to buy anything made in America. This morning I went to the local hardware store 'cause I needed 4 tomato cages for my garden plants. Frigging tomato cages are made in China. It's getting insane.

What I'm really starting to wonder about is what we are going to do with all the Ethanol we are now producing. At last count there were a total of 1440 filling stations equipped to dispense E-85 in the entire USA and we have a bunch of plants on line, cooking that corn liquor at a frenzied pace and contracting with local farmers (here) at 4 bucks a bushel, something has got to give and soon. It's gonna be ugly.

I believe HD, like most profitable American Companies (at least the ones that are left), outsource most of their components anyway. As far as net worth goes, I've never been to the Kansas City plant, nor the Milwaukee facility but I have been to the facility in York, Pa and the York facility is an old, bought from the Federal Gummit, WW2 arms plant. It's old, nostalgic (antique) so in the scheme of things I don't think that plant, at least, would fit Honda's perception of a lean manufacturing facility. Besides, HD is Unionized and Honda like all the Asian manufacturers building in our country is adamantly non union.

Honda's plant in Marysville, Ohio (where the Goldwing is built and cars too) was built and designed to be non-union. Marysville, Ohio is nothing more than a post office address. The plant is situated in the middle of vast acreages of farm ground with nothing around it. Absolutely nothing. No bars, no VFW, no gas stations, nothing. Honda reckoned that if you build a plant in the middle of nowhere there would be nowhere to organize a union drive. Under the Taft Hartley Labor Act, you have the Constitutional right to unionize, however, all union related activities, other than the actual vote cannot occur on company owned property. Honda ain't dumb.

I wholeheartedly concur with Jamie. If, indeed HD was sold, it would be to a holding entity of some sort with their backing coming from secured funds like pension plans.
Flip said:

What I'm really starting to wonder about is what we are going to do with all the Ethanol we are now producing.

I'm gonna drink it if I see one more truck post.....:flame:
I bet the guys at Victory are buying all the HD stock they can and selling it to Honda at half of what they paid. Could you imagine what would happen to that company if HD was owned by Honda? However, the Germans buying Chrylser didn't change much as far as not seeing them as an American car company.
HOG LOG cont'd

If, indeed HD was sold, it would be to a holding entity of some sort with their backing coming from secured funds like pension plans.

Are some folks still selling HOG short? Short interest expressed as a % of the stock float is presently 7%. Yet, 7% is darn close to 5%, which is generally considered a "normal" ratio. And 7% is nothing compared to what's happening to some real estate stocks which show a ratio of over 20%. Jamie
I have 3 things flip.

Filp don’t worry about to much ethanol, On one of my long trips out of country I sat next to chatty petroleum engineer who was doing research the availability of ethanol for a full time alterative fuel and according to him it takes so much corn to produce it that you will PROBABLY never see cars running on pure ethanol. He said even if every farmer in the country grew nothing but corn (no chickens or sheep sorry Jack) we still couldn’t produce enough.
Second I though Target was French owned.
Third doesn’t your description of a Harley plant kind of match there bikes, old and nostalgic and haven’t changed since WW2..
Is this your final answer???

Flip said:

I'm gonna drink it if I see one more truck post.....:flame:


We get to hear about Nissan from you. We get to hear about trucks from me. You are a mechanic, I'm a truck driving instructor. You discuss old cars, I discuss farming. We both like bikes so we both discuss them. tit for tat. Just remember, if you own it, eat it, wear it or use it, a truck brought it to you in one form or another. Without trucks, your lifestyle and profession would change dramatically or cease to exist......

If indeed you can find some way to get the unleaded gasoline out of E-85, you might have a nice side business. Corn liquor isn't all that bad and you'd really undercut the ABC Stores.

It's a well publicized fact that if all the tillable ground in this country were to be planted to hybrid high yield ethanol corn (at present there are only 4 varieties that the distillers recognize as high yield and the price of that seed corn is substantially higher than normal hybrid seed corn), that it would only be capable of supplying around 30% of this nations needs for E-85. Interestingly, the State of Michigan who is cash strapped and facing a huge deficit is offering tax and cash incentives for service station owners wanting to install E-85 dispensing equipment. Of course the State gummit's answer to the deficit is to raise the personal income tax instead of cutting their own over the top lifestyle in Lansing. If our State gummit keeps on going down the road they are on, there won't be anyone living in this State to pay any taxes. What idiots..... It's nice to have a Socialist governor.
In the meantime, according to some European weeklies, Harley has seemingly applied for a US patent on a trike. Heritage (or Sporster?) frame, engine and rear end, grafted onto an articulated 2-wheel front end. Production to be a JV with Lehman Trikes. Harley's "initiative" reportedly based upon extensive research of "consumers trends".

Now we'll all better understand why some investors are shorting HD shares