home made exhaust

Well got around to the dyno again , over a year later
to see if my shorty homemade exhaust made any difference

Before : ( Don't see any performance loss & a bit of a gain
probably because of weight loss
Will see after re dyno'ed & dialed in
before dyno was rwhp 133.84 hp rwtq 139.88 SAE )

Dyno'ed today new map
results max 137.16 HP max TQ 142.69

Just for hell of it ask dyno guy to do a top speed run in 5 th gear
of course no wind resistance etc
Results : Max HP power 133.80 Max TQ 119.58 @
Speed 156.20 mph


Why mess with the buttons just lift the bloody dress up
Ah yes...

Thats a Scotsman for ye...

If we get excited, its just rip the fecker to shreds while we are at it..

Unreconstructed males? about time...