Well got around to the dyno again , over a year later
to see if my shorty homemade exhaust made any difference
Before : ( Don't see any performance loss & a bit of a gain
probably because of weight loss
Will see after re dyno'ed & dialed in
before dyno was rwhp 133.84 hp rwtq 139.88 SAE )
Dyno'ed today new map
results max 137.16 HP max TQ 142.69
Just for hell of it ask dyno guy to do a top speed run in 5 th gear
of course no wind resistance etc
Results : Max HP power 133.80 Max TQ 119.58 @
Speed 156.20 mph
Ya sure Drag...tell us all about "how too", "better sound", "lighter weight", "cheaper bling", "how much".......and not one pic for eye candy
Some of us still remember what we called young ladies who used to tease us, con us into a date, and then wear a dress with forty buttons down the front........SB.