home made exhaust

I posted pictures on Walt's ( aka Hombre ) R3 Power site
I can only post pictures in e-mail .
For some reason my computer will not let me
upgrade plug-in's needed for hosting .
I can't even download a plug -in manually , keeps
saying not compatible . So as of right now stuck
with old pictures , exception private e-mail attachment
still works .

Lester532 ,
Got Hombre to send you invite to his site.
I also talk a bit on the Triumph Talk forum ,
send private e-mail pictures to one of the administrator
over there and he uploaded the for me.
So here a link , so you and others can see a couple
of them .

home made exhaust

**** just previewed post and this site
won't let me link thread with pictures

How in the hell do you link a site ,
with some good info or part you've found
browsing the net , for others to see , if there going to ban
all links as free advertizing , to me I'm not selling anything
I don't own the site , nor am I making a profit for it , just showing
other Rocket owners what's available out there for them ,
to do a custom mod and where I GOT the parts .
Talk about censorship , that's going a little over board IMO

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My apology , when I previewed post
I clicked on Home made exhaust
and it did not open link to triumph talk site ,
but did after I submitted it , and viewed it
and clicked on home made exhaust ( it opened link ) .
There goes foot in my mouth again :eek:

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Thanks, Pig9r for posting pictures direct
Tx sounds a bit louder then Tors with cat bypass pipe
Just guessing about same decibable as jardines but
more on sound level as tors
I have since removed exhaust hanger brackets on
both side to clean up appearance , after pic's were taken

Don't see any performance loss & a bit of a gain
probably because of weight loss
Will see after re dyno'ed & dialed in
before dyno was rwhp 133.84 hp rwtq 139.88 SAE

on mobile dyno @ 98 deg outside in July :eek:
12 noon Fla weather ( dyno'ed few yrs ago )
