Highway pegs

I tried those Wing type, mounted & went on a 300 mile day ride, dismounted and gave to my son for his Gold Wing.
They were too low, would drag in a good twistie and way too far rearward for my liking.

>would drag in a good twistie<

Well that settles that. Makes me feel even better about my decision.
>would drag in a good twistie<

Well that settles that. Makes me feel even better about my decision.

A few years ago a member with a new Roadster went down low-side in a curve.
He walked away barely injured, but his shift lever was bent back and punctured the engine case.
V-E-R-Y expensive to remove engine, split cases and replace a case half.
I had a off 3 years ago that bent my left engine guard back, but saved my engine from any damage.
I had to buy a complete engine guard set and replaced only the left one.
Last summer a bike fell in front of me causing me to fall over and the right engine guard was bent.
Kinda kewl how that worked out!
Now Kong wears a new set of engine guards.
These are reasons why I am adamant regarding the use of engine guards.
...well i'll tell you...for mine to drag, the frame would have to be touching the ground and theres no way that would happen!
They may be a problem if the bike fell but so far so good.
I use them alot and find them to be in a perfect spot, i can drop my heels over them or put my foot right on them...awesome!..
You can get them so tight, you can stand on them and not move them.
love em.
You can, but risk busting a case in a down without them.
Shop pegs for 1" engine guards.
I've had a few sets and prefer the Triumph pegs.

THE RIVCO pegs wont damage the cases if you fall
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Funny to read this topic, as I’ve been thinking about the same thing. I have the FC17 forward controls in my R3R. I like them fine - they’re all I know since they were already on the bike - but would like to get engine crash bars. Seems that you can’t use engine bars with the forward controls because they utilize the same mounting points. I don’t have the original hardware, which seems a bit extensive to procure. I’ve thought about reverting it back to original, adding bars and highway pegs. Anyone have experience switching or advice finding the parts?