Highway Bars and Adjustable Pegs


Rocket Captain
Nov 25, 2013
Toronto, Ontario
2012 Rocket III Roadster
I am looking to put the Triumph highway/crash bars on my 2012 Roadster. I find that I need to stretch my legs out forward after riding for a while. I noticed that Triumph sells an "Adjustable Highway Peg Mount" Does anyone have that? Which ways are it adjustable, and do you have to buy a seperate set of pegs for it (or do they come together) If they dont come together which pegs can you install and do you need a special set of adapters to get it to fit? Fit and finish good?

The adjustable mount is sort of 'S' shaped and enables movement through 360 degrees. It attaches between the peg and the bracket. Picture a pedal on a bicycle. The main drawback with them is that they push the pegs out a couple of inches. I got rid of mine. You can turn the bracket round to sit in front or behind the highway bar depending on how long your legs are. Also by moving the bracket up or down on the highway bar you can also get some further reach adjustment. Hope that makes sense.
I installed the adjustable pegs a few weeks ago. The actual pegs don't come with the mounts.
You can move them up,down on the crash bar and rotate 360degrees. Had to adjust mine a few times before I was comfortable.
The adjustable mount is sort of 'S' shaped and enables movement through 360 degrees. It attaches between the peg and the bracket. Picture a pedal on a bicycle. The main drawback with them is that they push the pegs out a couple of inches. I got rid of mine. You can turn the bracket round to sit in front or behind the highway bar depending on how long your legs are. Also by moving the bracket up or down on the highway bar you can also get some further reach adjustment. Hope that makes sense.

So what would you recommend for highway pegs? Something like the Kuryikan ones that arent adjustable? I don't think I need to adjust them frequently but it would be good to see what others are using!
I have the Triumph adjustable pegs on my bike, I like them although I have found that I don't use them near as much as I thought I would

yesterday i stuck a pair of kury longhorn dually pegs on the engine rail - no crashbar... need to adjust them a bit, but they seem to be just about where i wanted them to be and are pretty comfortable... the rail is 1inch...

I just use the Triumph pegs (same as Jim's) but with0ut the adjustable mounts. Perfect for me.
Same set up as Richard here, I had the Kuryakyns didn't like them much the Triumph peg are better and as been said the mounts need to be ordered separately I have mine mounted so they are on the front of the bar perfect length for me
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I was looking hard at the Kuryakyn Longhorns too, but then I sat on the bike and thought about it and realized I can move my feet around a lot on the industrial-sized footplates on the R3T. Putting them as far front as possible I'm approaching where my feet would be on some adjustable highway pegs. So, not going to bother. If I were on the R3C/R I would.